I am certified as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, nutrition & habit coach and a registered Occupational Therapist.

In 1999 I started my career teaching group fitness classes at USC and I currently teach at Life Time Athletics.

In 1993 I earned a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy and worked as a hospital-based OT, in physical rehabilitation, for many years. 

From 2010-2022, I owned and operated a lifting studio and created my Ladies That Lift program. Ladies That Lift was an all female, in person, semi-private training program that provided, a social, fun, non-intimidating environment where women learned proper lifting and nutrition skills.

My fitness and OT experience has taught me the importance of preventable health. Weightlifting helps you build stronger muscles and bones, helps balance hormones, supports metabolism and may help protect you from diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer and other chronic conditions. Lifting is a non- negotiable!

A good coach is an educator, an accountability buddy and is someone that works to provide their clients with the pertinent information and skills to help them become independent of coaching and stay healthy and fit for life.

As a mom, I understand the struggles and the juggling that is required to balance and adapt fitness and nutrition through the many seasons of life. That is why I meet you where you are at and we work together to build you a strength program that is appropriate for you, your lifestyle and your goals.


Jenny Dewey OTR,CPT,PN1